Our aim is to provide you with all the latest information that will help you make decisions about your future career and your life beyond school.
Click here to access BHS Careers website: Careers Hub
Careers Hub
Barham High students and parents can access our Careers Hub to explore everything related to careers, which features the following:
- Weekly vacancies bulletins
- Weekly Careers newsletter
- HSC requirements & key dates
- University Admission process
- School Leavers Information Kit
- Job and career opportunities
- Workplace Learning opportunities
- School Based Apprenticeships Traineeships
- Job readiness and resume writing
Key Resources
- Weekly Youth Links vacancies
- Weekly Careers news bulletin
- Handy Job Jump directory
Careers Adviser
Students can drop into the Careers Office to discuss their particular careers needs during breaks or free periods.
Parents and carers can also telephone or email the Careers Adviser, Emma Searle, to discuss their child's career options and pathways.
Careers at BHS
A full time Careers Adviser who delivers a broad program for all students at Barham High. Careers lessons are timetabled for Years 9, 10 and 12 students.
The Real Game Series is delivered in Stage 5, along with School To Work Logbooks, Subject Selection and a Job Seeking Program (where students in Year 10 develop resumés and portfolios and attend Mock Interviews).
Work Experience is available to Year 10 students. Other career related opportunities are available through: tertiary tours, guest speaker visits (eg. Defence Forces), career seminars, a job vacancy noticeboard and one on one counselling sessions (available to all students).
The Careers office and classroom are fully resourced with university and TAFE guides, occupational and website information. Parents are also welcome to contact the Careers Adviser for any information or for parent/student interviews.
Career Information
Beyond School Study GuideBuilt Environment courses
Exercise Physiology courses
Medical Sciences Pharmacy and Biomedicine
Medicine courses
Nutrition and Dietetics courses
Occupational Therapy courses
Oral Health and Dentistry courses
Orthoptics Optometry and Clinical Audiology courses
Physiotherapy Chiropractic Osteopathy and Myotherapy courses
Podiatry courses
Prosthetics and Orthotics courses
Social Work and Youth Work courses
Speech Pathology courses
Veterinary Science courses
Built Environment courses
Tertiary Information
Year 11 and 12 Booklet– all about the HSC, the ATAR and choosing tertiary courses
VTAC Application Process
UAC Application Process
Early Admission Programs, Victoria
Accommodation Guide
University Survival Guide
Subject Selection Information
Year 10 Booklet – all about the HSC, the ATAR and choosing subjects
VTAC 2022 Prerequisties – understanding prerequisites for Victorian tertiary institutions
Subject Conversion– compare HSC and VCE subjects for prerequisites
Study Score Conversion – compare HSC and VCE marks for prerequisites
Career Posters – match your interests, qualities and skills to various career industries
Morrisby Brochure – information about the assessment and questionnaires to assist students discover strengths and weaknesses, preferences and interests
School-based Apprenticeships and Traineeships
Work Experience Information
Student Placement Record
Accommodation away from home form –
Student Guide
Parent Guide
Employer Guide
The Australian Blueprint for Career Development has outlined the following changing nature of life, learning and work:
“Over the last decade it has become evident that the way we live and work has been dramatically altered by factors such as globalisation, the rapid increases in information and communications technology and significant demographic shifts.
- The concept of a ‘job for life’ no longer exists. Most individuals will change jobs numerous times throughout their working lives.
- There has been a trend away from permanent employment to more varied working arrangements such as contract and project work.
- Gone are the days where a person could gain a single qualification which would sustain them throughout their entire working lives.
- In addition to job-related skills, individuals now need skills such as communication, problem solving, teamwork and personal attributes such as adaptability, resilience, enthusiasm and openness to new ideas.Times have clearly changed. Now, both the individual and the labour market are subject to constant variation and, for many people, transitioning from one situation to another is a recurring motif. The old three-stage pattern of preparing for work; working; and then retiring is fast disappearing, yet many current workers have not had the opportunity to develop the career management competencies that they require to cope with, let alone thrive in, such an environment.”
Contact Careers Adviser Mrs Searle for further information.